Antoher happy seller as we have just sold 6 Newhaven Road, Burwood East!
Hi Peter, Allan and Ripple
Re: sale of our home at 6 Newhaven Rd, Burwood East
Congratulations on a fantastic sales campaign and ultimately a fantastic sales result.
I think it is the first auction I have ever been to where no instructions were sought from the vendor during the auction – most unusual.
Well done to Ripple – she did a great job getting all those buyers there and communicated with us regularily giving us good feedback and updates throughout the campaign
Allan’s advice on plan A , B and C was invaluable and Lisa and I spent a bit of time planning what to do in each scenario – fortunately never had to think about it – at around the $650K mark ( which was the challenge I set Allan ) we breathed a sigh of relief and sat back and enjoyed the bidding war
And I think it must have been Peter’s spiel on the terracotta roof that got all those extra dollars from the bidders – I’ve never heard of a roof being spoken about in such glowing terms at an auction but having had it done to fix up the property I was pleased it got a mention.
Well done Peter on the auction process – you worked the crowd very well and it was entertaining to watch. I could see you were enjoying yourself!
And the list of contacts for tradies you provided to us was invaluable in preparing the property – plumbers, roofers, painters, interior designers and landscapers were all excellent and great people to deal with.
Once again well done to you all
Lisa & Geoff Ronald